

Sugar Sham

When’s the last time you looked up the definition of sham? How about artificial or brainwashed? Everyday is spent educating patients about the devastating health hazards of using artificial sweeteners. Not only are they “using,” many are addicted and their health is in serious decline. Daily...

St. Catherines MOPs

My motto in clinical practice is “Connect the Symptoms” to “Restore Health” Remember to look at your child’s symptoms and ask “WHY”. This is how you will connect their symptoms to what needs the extra support in their body. Giving the right support will...

Oh My Sugar!

I received a text message yesterday from a friend of mine that contained a picture of her one year old son eating a blue sucker. He had a blue tongue, blue slobber all over his mouth and down the front of his shirt. I think...

Take Charge of your Weight

Weight has been and always will be a topic of discussion that challenges those who have struggled with weight loss, have tried multiple diets and plans, and have failed to keep the weight off. It should make you think about what the problem is. Excess...

Everyday Health

I was enjoying a nice dinner of pork so tender that it practically fell apart, drinking a couple glasses of red wine and making good conversation with two friends last Sunday evening. This was a great end to the day, but not necessarily the recipe...