
Boom Boom Bangkok Chicken.

Boom Boom Bangkok Chicken.

Looking to add some variety and spice to your metabolic reprogramming detox (hCG)?! You know what they say, “variety is the spice of life.” We always remind our patients while preparing their meals on this program to utilize all the spices and herbs possible to make it exciting and to help get in the habit of incorporating delicious and healing herbs in the kitchen. Well, you cannot go wrong with this amazing recipe. Try it. Let us know what you think. Share it. Enjoy! 

Bangkok Chicken Sauté 

What you’ll need:

  1. Boneless skinless chicken breast cut into small pieces
  2. Green cabbage
  3. Yellow onion 
  4. Raw kale
  5. Garlic 
  6. Bangkok blend from Penzys Spices
  7. Ground turmeric 
  8. Garlic 
  9. Juice of 1 lemon 
  10. Braggs liquid aminos


  1. Chop green cabbage and yellow onion into fine slivers. Chop fresh kale into small leaflets. Add to bowl and set to the side. 
  2. Cut chicken strips into small pieces/strips
  3. On stovetop over medium heat, add 2 tablespoons of Braggs liquid aminos and chicken. Stir to prevent chicken from sticking to skillet. Sprinkle Bangkok blend to chicken. 
  4. Once chicken is halfway cooked through, add chopped veggies.
  5. Sprinkle more Bangkok blend to taste. Add dash of turmeric. *turmeric had a strong flavor, so begin with small amount last until it is to your liking. 
  6. Add Braggs if needed to prevent sticking. 
  7. Cover skillet, but continue stirring periodically until chicken and veggies are cooked through and flavored have had a chance to mix. 

***For hCG phase 2, try using coconut oil as a healthy fat and for that delicious hint of coconut flavor! Put on a bed of quinoa or brown rice.


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