
Author: aletheaeller

Ear infections

Here is Hudson Eller.  He is one of my sweet babies.   As he was with his grandma on a fun overnighter a few nights ago, she called and said he was feeling really rough and his ears were killing him.  Infant, child or adult:...

Guess what we found in a patients mouth today…

She came in with many complaints.  They ranged  from migraine headaches, perfume and chemical sensitivities, nerve and joint pain.  As whole body practitioners, we were not just trying to cover up her symptoms.  We were looking for connections that could explain why she was having...

Not So Chunky Monkey Smoothie

Do you want to maintain a healthy weight and still get your fix for chocolate shakes? A smoothie is a great way to satisfy that craving while nourishing your body. Smoothies can easily contain way too many calories for an average meal. The "not so...

Natural Remedies for Spring Allergies

Are you not quite as excited as everyone else for the spring weather? Are your windows closed as you try to keep out all the allergens? Spring can bring many people discomfort with the barrage of allergy symptoms: stuffy head, itchy eyes, headaches, drainage, sneezing and...

Hand Sanitizers: Good or Bad?

At the gym, there is an automatic sanitizing sprayer that will "decontaminate my hands" as I come and go. I take my kids to school and outside each room is a sanitizing gel pump. They get several doses throughout the day of this...

Super Healthy Caramel Apple Dip

Tis this season for apple picking! It is one of my favorite things to do with the kiddos this time of year. As we are headed home, my mind is thinking of all the things we want to do with our fresh supply of apples....

Age Reversing Green Smoothie

I put a quick picture of my green smoothie up on facebook and received many questions about it. So here is more information for you. A greens smoothie is great to detox all the junk in our system! Deep greens contain high concentrations of antioxidants, and...

Sugar Sham

When’s the last time you looked up the definition of sham? How about artificial or brainwashed? Everyday is spent educating patients about the devastating health hazards of using artificial sweeteners. Not only are they “using,” many are addicted and their health is in serious decline. Daily...