
DIY Acne Toner!

DIY Acne Toner!

Over the years, this has been one of the top DIY recipes that we have given to our patients.  The common question is:  “Isn’t there anything natural I can use for acne?”  Of course there is!  In addition to using this amazing recipe below, keep this tip in mind: There is strong clinical evidence stressing the importance of healthy bacteria in the body and reduction of sugars, so make sure your diet is clean of processed white ingredients (white flour, white sugar) and that you are taking a higher potency probiotic.

I recommend NOT using harsh cleaners and lotions.

Start with a gentle cleanser.  My favorite is KIND Soap Company- our local essential oil soap made right here in Old Webster.

Next use a good toner targeted for acne.

Here is our recipe!

In a 2 oz spray bottle combine:

30 drops of tea tree oil (decrease if sensation is too strong for your skin)

2 droppers of ionized silver

*** add 15 drops of lavender if skin has a general redness or inflammation

Fill the rest with purified water.

Using caution around eyes, spritz over face after cleansing. If you prefer, you can dab some on a cotton swab and apply to the face.

Following the toner, be sure to apply a gentle moisturizer.  READ YOUR INGREDIENTS.  Blemished skin is already irritable and needs pure, non-toxic ingredients.  Even oily skin will benefit from a light moisturizer.  Follow this process morning and evening.


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