
Energetics of Expansion

Energetics of Expansion

Many of our clients come to our office ready to express a higher level of health.  Most clients are ready to do whatever it takes to achieve this.  Maybe you too desire to “think bigger,” “play bigger,” or step out of your comfort zone into a different way of being.  

Expansion in your outer world happens after expansion of your inner world.  Your change needs to happen on the inside before you will see the outer change in the physical realm.  Let’s take a look at what is holding your inner world where it currently is.  Your values and beliefs make up who you are or at least who you believe you are.  Playing bigger goes hand in hand with identifying your “limiting beliefs.”  Limiting beliefs are beliefs that you have held as truth that somehow limit who you are.  

This isn’t just some energetic hocus pocus.  The work of Dr. Bruce Lipton PhD, who is leading the field of research in energetic medicine, has found that your cellular biology physically changes when your beliefs about something change.  This is a profound finding: what you believe changes your physical make up.  Maybe the focus should not be so much on our genetics, rather what we believe about our genetics.  

Limiting beliefs can be related to what you believe about yourself, your world and others in it.  They sound something like this:

“I can’t do that.”  

“That won’t work for me.”  

“I will always be____.”  

“You are always____.”  

The limiting belief is a statement that you have really bought into at some point in your life and you hold it as a truth.  A limiting belief LIMITS YOUR POTENTIAL FOR GROWTH because it holds you and others in a box…a box that you created based off what someone has taught you, your past experiences or fear.growth

So are you really ready to shake things up?  Our recommendation is to rock the inner self expansion first!

  1. Identify an area that you desire to see a change
  2. Identify at least one limiting belief that is holding you where you currently are
  3. Open that belief up to the possibility of something bigger
  4. View that area out of the new possibility you have created… (not that old, nasty one that kept you where you did not want to be!)


  1. My partner and I are apathetic to each other.  It seems we don’t have much relationship left.  I would like to be in a loving relationship.
  2. Some limiting beliefs that may be present : “This is just the way we are.”  “I am not enough for them.”  “If I were more…. or had this…. it would be better.”  “There is too much damage done in our relationship.”
  3. Freeing the Limitations:  “Our relationship can change and grow.”  “Our wounds can be healed and we can learn to trust each other.”
  4. As you live in this new possible belief, energetically hold it in your heart center (over your chest).  Maintain the belief in your heart center and keep loving intentions with it.


  1. I feel bad all the time.  I am overweight, tired and in pain a lot of my day and night.  I would like my body to cooperate with the life I really want to live.
  2. “Eating healthy and exercise is boring.”  “My family has bad genetics.”  “I guess this is just the way I am.”  “I am just like my mom.”  “I am too far gone.”
  3. Freeing the Limitation:   “My body can change and heal.”  “I have been made to heal, repair and grow.” “It is possible to feel better.”
  4. As you live in this new possible belief, energetically hold it in your heart center (over your chest). Maintain the belief in your heart center and keep loving intentions with it.
    This process is available to you anytime you see an area of your life that there is resistance and conflict. Powerful freeing beliefs hold possibilities that you can really see for yourself.  It doesn’t seem to produce much fruit to tell yourself something great that you can’t really see happening in any way, shape, or form.  It can be small but it needs to hold just a mustard seed size of faith!

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