
Take Charge of your Weight

Take Charge of your Weight

Weight has been and always will be a topic of discussion that challenges those who have struggled with weight loss, have tried multiple diets and plans, and have failed to keep the weight off. It should make you think about what the problem is. Excess weight (fat) is a metabolic problem. It is a health condition. Now, knowing this, we should know that there is no easy fix in a pill from your local drugstore or infomercial. With there being so many factors in losing weight in conjunction with your health, it can be overwhelming to those who want to take charge of their weight and keep it off.

For instance, let’s look purely at diet and exercise. Nutrition is a bigger component than most think. What you take in is the foundation of your overall health and metabolic support for your exercise and activity. Therefore, this is why I struggle with the diet programs that allow you to eat whatever you want, but that it’s portion control and points that are the focus. Sure, portion control is important in any form of nutritional intake, but let’s look at what you’re eating and not how much of it you are taking in. This refers to the age-old saying “quality vs. quantity.” Our bodies are designed intricately to metabolize and detoxify natural foods rather than chemically-induced man-made foods. This can arguably be the culprit of the obese epidemic our country has been fighting. When we store excess fat due to poor diet and metabolism, it only leads to a downhill spiral. Fat suppresses and compromises the immune system. It causes us to be sicker than we have ever been as a species. Fat is inflammatory. Systemic inflammation is the cause of the majority of todays most common diseases. Lastly, when yellow fat is stored, it holds onto estrogen. Estrogen found throughout the body that it’s not supposed to be normally is carcinogenic, leaving you at a higher risk of cancer.

As a physician, I have seen multiple reasons and health conditions as to why someone may be holding onto excess fat. It can be because of thyroid, hormone imbalances, diet, stress, digestive issues, mal-absorption, emotional and mental factors, etc. Let’s focus on what to do though. Like I said before, weight is a metabolic health condition. When I approve my patients for my weight loss metabolic support, I typically will find other sources of the weight gain that need to be addressed. When you support your body in what it’s depleted in, you are creating a host that allows for optimal weight loss and the ability to keep it off. I have not developed a weight loss clinic or program, but what I have created is a chance for my patients to view their weight as a health condition that is a result of a deficiency that is being expressed through weight.

I have had a number of patients choose to lose weight, succeed at it, change their attitudes and develop a new outlook on life. One patient comes to mind as a great success story. She came to me very reluctant to try another weight loss protocol. When it came down to it, her fear was strong enough to prevent her from moving forward…fear of losing the weight, not being able to keep it off, and embarrassed to show her face if that happened. I knew that her worry, fear and anxiety about it could potentially prevent her from getting the results she deserved, but I wouldn’t allow that to happen. I waited until she came to me when she was ready on her own time to start. In the meantime I was working with her emotional and mental state of mind through treatments as a prerequisite for the weight loss. After only a couple treatments we were seeing tremendous changes in her attitude. She decided to move forward, went through a couple rounds of the protocol, successfully lost 31 pounds, dropped 3-4 dress sizes, energy went up, and joint and muscle pain significantly decreased. The best part of it, though, was when she looked at me with tears in her eyes saying, “I can’t tell you the last time I have felt this good, and I have changed my relationship with food.” I had never looked at it like that, but it’s true. People build relationships with food, and allow it to fulfill their life. She showed me a picture of herself from the year before and I couldn’t believe my eyes. The difference was profound. She not only lost the weight, but she gained comfort in her own skin and clothes, she has a pep in her step and has a new energy about her when she comes in. She was a woman who was tired and afraid of trying to lose that weight, and was content with being this way for the rest of her life. She changed that. So much so, that she has been off the protocol for 3 months and has continued to lose weight and has changed her eating habits. This is a great example of someone who took charge of her weight, reset her metabolism, and changed her lifestyle, building a new foundation for the second half of her life. This is just the beginning, and I am looking forward to working with more patients who want to feel better and become healthier!

Visit my website, specifically the page on “metabolic reset” for more information on how you can take charge of your health and weight in the new year.

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