
The Scoop on Poop & Probiotics

The Scoop on Poop & Probiotics


What is it about poop that makes people uncomfortable and embarrassed?  People just don’t like talking about it. However, we are taught about it in our younger years with that old childhood book that says, “Everyone Poops.” So, gut health and yes, poop too are important to understand because problems with either can be a symptom of greater, more severe, underlying issues.  For me, it’s a topic of discussion almost every day with my patients.

The waste we eliminate is predominantly bacteria, and believe it or not, our bodies maintain levels of good and bad bacteria.  This is not only beneficial to maintain excellent gut health, but also increase our immune health.  Unfortunately, due to the increase in environmental and dietary toxins, our digestive systems have become unsettled.

The intricate design of our gut is not a mistake. It requires a specific environment of bacteria in order to maintain the health and balance of certain neurotransmitters and hormones that control many systems in our bodies!  This balance of bacteria, hormones and nerve function of the intestines all helps the digestion, absorption and utilization of what you put in your gullet, as well as moving it down the pipe.

What do you need for optimal gut health?  Creating a good foundation is key.  And that foundation is built with beneficial bacteria.  We’ve all heard of pre and probiotics, whether due to Dr. Oz or an increase in commercials promoting good gut health.  Either way, I’m happy it’s becoming a household word.

“Biotic” simply means “life,” or “a living component.”  Prebiotics can be found in foods such as onions, asparagus, garlic, artichokes and bananas.  These foods contain inulin, which is a precursor for probiotic production.  Today, specific health effects are being investigated and documented including alleviation of chronic intestinal inflammatory diseases, prevention and treatment of pathogen-induced diarrhea, urogenital infections, atopic diseases as well as allergies and allergic reactions to food!

Our bacteria need our help.  There are so many attackers exposed to our intestines that it may behoove of us to support our natural allies.  Antibiotics, artificial sweeteners, preservatives, food dyes, added chemicals and processed foods all destroy the “life” of our intestines.  These are so prevalent in our diets today that it is no wonder more than 80% of us are walking around with symptoms and complaints related to the digestive system.

The advances of medical manipulation are constant and continue to grow, which is excellent, but they can also alter our bodies natural processes, one of them being the its ability to self-produce our good bacteria.  Probiotics can be the simple answer.  Administering these little germs can help produce the good bacteria in your intestines while maintaining a healthy gut, yeast and bacteria ratio.  The result:  better functioning intestines, fewer digestive complaints, and a boost in your immune system.

Next time you think that your digestive system is a slightly off, or to promote excellent gut health, be proactive and get a probiotic.

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