
The Value of Vitamin D

The Value of Vitamin D


If there was a popularity contest among vitamins, vitamin D would win with its recent widespread interest. We have all been told that the best way to get some vitamin D is through some good old sunshine! Sun exposure, in adequate and safe amounts, does provide many benefits. However, if you are competing to be the tannest person on the block, the sun can actually cause more harm than good.

Entering the winter months does not allow us to soak up that sun, and unfortunately, the foods in our diet have been depleted in most vitamins and minerals that we need for optimal health. A good thing is that an excellent source of vitamin D can work wonders to make you feel better, fight infections and boost the immune system. My patients have even seen their energy go up and memory improve after taking vitamin D.  Awesome!

What is Vitamin D?

To put it briefly, vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, primarily responsible for helping intestinal absorption of calcium into the blood. Since this discovery, many other health benefits have been studied and proven. The two forms of vitamin D most people are familiar with are vitamin D2 and D3.

What is the difference between D2 and D3?

Both D2 and D3 can be synthetically produced; however, D2 is a plant-based compound, and D3 is an animal-based compound, which is closely comparable to the vitamin D that is naturally produced on our bodies. With it being an animal compound, D3 is more bio-identical and therefore more readily available to be absorbed. For true vegetarians and vegans, D2 would be the best option.

What is the best way to determine if I am deficient in vitamin D?

Blood tests are the best and most reliable way to determine therapeutic dosages of vitamin D. Because most of us are walking around with a slight vitamin D deficiency, it has become a popular and common thing to test at Innovative Health Partners.

Currently, the U.S. RDA for vitamin D is 400 IU (International Units) for the majority of the population. This is basically to prevent rickets, which is very important, but this dosage does nothing to promote other health benefits: heart disease, chronic inflammation, infection, blood pressure, etc.  It is recommended to take 1,000-5,000 IU/day in order to achieve best results.

What’s the best kind of vitamin D and where can I get some?

Vitamin D comes in a few different forms, but I have found that a sublingual (under the tongue) vitamin D is the best for absorbency into the blood stream. At Innovative Health Partners, we have hand-selected the best pharmaceutical-grade supplements, including a sublingual vitamin D.


Don’t let vitamin D deficiency go unnoticed in your health. Fight the winter blues and boost your health. Come to my office to start feeling your best (and get some vitamin D)! Call us at 314-219-1888 with questions or to set up your appointment.


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